Mieu - Tales of the Abyss

Mieu (genki hat)
Tales of the Abyss

My client wanted a Genki hat, which is a popular form of headwear among anime fans. The hat is made in the style of Mieu, a character from the Namco game Tales of the Abyss.

The hat part was easy enough, but the challenge was drafting the gigantic ears and making them bob up and down. I made the pattern for the ears by drawing a circle, trapezoid and triangle all together to form the general shape. The fabrics used are polar fleece, scrap fur for the ear's tips and scrap bias tape for the trim. The ears are stuffed to give them a little shape.

Model: Kat

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$35 - 45

Disclaimer: All the costumes displayed here are derivative pieces from anime, video games, etc. I do not own the originals that inspire them. All pictures are posted with the consent of those pictured.